Genre: investigations, mystery, supernatural
Created by: Maurice Miller (Millsbury Media)
Writers: Maurice Miller
Publications: ??? (2021)
Printing: Millsbury Media ComicVerse (2019)
Produced & Published by: Maurice Miller, Millsbury Media and various distributors ( 2021 )
Medium: Video, Small Animation, Digital PDF or Book App, Physical Graphic Novel or Comic Book and Literature
Maurice Miller's ComicVerse Conspiracies is an out-of-context series connecting or conspiring the connection of all the Millsbury Media series within the Millsbury Media omniverse
>>Go to Millsbury ComicVerse Conspiracies Series Page<<
The series is comprised of notes and following the Spirit Guardian who is dubbed as "Ramsei" by the human he appeared before who calls himself Towie.
Ramsei is a curious spirit guardian and very eager to learn more and love hearing about stories and adventures.
Ramsei when formed also came with a strange book that was filled with destined heroes from the omniverse who are supposed to mark incredible events in their multiverse. Every story Ramsei records and recalls in this book opens his abilities to the fact of what his true guardian identity is.
Images of others associated with Spirit Guardian Ramset
Ramsei speaking.. Not much of a note, but in a short story in ComicVerses called "Infinite Chronicles"... I found out that there are other Spirit Guardians designated for other things... other destinies... how do I find out what mine is? Here is a small
slideshow of them.
More information will be updated soon. Please read ComicVerse Conspiracies for more!